Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ocean in a Bottle

During the Alpine Summer Reading Program, "What Kind of Animal's Swim?" week, Amy with Alpine County Wellness Program, helped children upcycle a plastic bottle into their own ocean.
ocean activities for kids, upcycle water bottle crafts

You will need:
empty plastic bottle
vegetable oil
blue food dye
glitter pieces, glitter strands
sea glass
plastic sea animals
E6000 glue or duct tape

Each child needs an empty plastic bottle with cap. Depending upon ability, have them fill their bottle 2/3 with water. 

Amy had them add one drop of food dye for each year of age which was a fun twist. Note: that the lighter the "ocean water" the easier it will be to see the treasure within. 

Fill the remainder of the bottle with vegetable oil. 

If using E6000 or other waterproof glue have an adult apply. Otherwise, children can wrap a piece of duct tape over the cap. 

Plastic sea animals also have to be able to clear the bottle neck. 

"Along the Sea" 

Author Unknown

Come walk with me
Along the sea
Where dusk sits on the land
And search with me
For shells are free,
And treasures hide in the sand.

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